Location: Las Vegas

Stephan, Betsy, Sean, Selina, Nicole, Theresa and David have been dreaming of this trip for years.

Friday, July 22, 2005


I am sitting in an internet cafe in Frankfurt. The z and the y are switched on the kezboard. < is in the place of the shift button. I"ll do mz best to correct things as I go but pazing bz the minute might just mean leaving things as is.

Departure day was long yet...grueling! The plane was delayed again from 10:00am to 12:00noon to 3:00. Things got a little ugly with some of the passengers, especially a couple of German gentlemen who were travelling first class and did not appreciate being lied to. Metro showed up at one point as 3 or 4 passengers filmed the verbal altercations wondering what would happen next. We boarded after 4:00 and the engines started up. The captain then announced that we would push back from the gate in AN HOUR and then sit on the runwaz for ANOTHER HOUR due to runwaz traffic. When we finallz lifted off there was audible relief from the close to three hundred or so on board.

We got off in Frankfurt in the mid afternoon and had little trouble finding the Hotel Europa. Its location in the guidebook was described as the sleazy part of town. The authors of the guidebook couldn't know these particular readers live in downtown Las Vegas. Oh that Vegas were this "sleazy." Next time I'll try to upload pictures. We did get a tour of the worst part of Frankfurt when we first tried to walk to the Main River. We took a wrong turn and walked through what looked very much like Sparks. Some of us wondered what we had made all the effort for. When we realized our mistake, turned around and walked to downtown Frankfurt we were, of course, blown away. We easily found the main square and I was able to order food and drink in German, "Heffeveisen unt Bockwurst."

Getting back to the Hostile by 8:00 or so, we fell into our beds. I, for one, slept like the dead. This morning we had a wonderful breakfast offered by our hosts at the hostel. We are getting on a train bound for Zurich in an hour. We will sleep tonight in a hostel in Bern.

It is so verz good to be here!

Peace and Love.


Blogger Heather Marie said...

Oh my loves...I am so excited for all of you. This will truly be an experience of a lifetime. I send good vibes and thoughts from Japan and I cannot wait to read all about your wonderful adventures. Enjoy being out of your comfort will give you wings to soar. I love you all so much and good luck on your journey! Umaku ikimas youni!

1:39 AM  

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